Thursday, May 2, 2013


We are all so very thankful that the day of the retreat is HERE!!!  Ray is VERY thankful that all of the boxes and supplies have been delivered to the park.
 Food, food, and more food....and to think some of the meals are being catered.  They might have had to rent a U-Haul if they were cooking all of the meals!
Beverages, tea, OJ, water....and we bring our own colas....another U-Haul would have been need for colas if they brought those!
Unloading all of the food, beverages, and boxes of product makes a guy
T I R E D!!!!
Flamingo Jo is there waiting for us.....
are you READY?????
TODAY is the day and if 10 reasons to attend a retreat were not enough here is one more:
Cat's retreats are

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