Sunday, September 16, 2012


There is so much inspiration to be had at any of Cat's retreats.    People bounce ideas off of each other and are inspired by the suggestions of their friends.   Then the silliness begins....laughter starts.....sides hurt from laughing so hard.  So much fun and so much inspiration. 
Karen is adding photos to the mini album she made at the class that Cat taught at Raylene's retreat.  It is turning out beautiful!
Kathy was getting started on a really neat layout using some Technique Tuesday tiles.  And, we all know that you start with...blank paper!
Michele did this realy neat layout about a recent trip to the Bahamas.  I love the black sihouetted trees and frames around the photos.  She claimed it took her hours to cut those trees out....however, I think she might have had some help.  LOL!

Lots of good food is being cooked by Viney.  We cannot complain about being hungry and the variety is amazing. 

I hope this has inspired you to attend one of the retreats.  Call the store and reserve your spot now!  You won't regreat it.


  1. Great idea to blog from the retreat! Love seeing people's work in progress! Nice layout Michelle!
