Sunday, November 23, 2014


They came....
LOTS of them!!!!
They shopped..
and shopped...
shopped some more..
and more....
BOY, did they ever shop!!!!
Sue is so happy with her bag full of goodies!
Vickie was pleased with how much she could stuff in her bag!
New guideline for next year:  
You have to be able to SEE over your filled bag!  LOL!!!
Then, we got to share in their joy when they got home
and were able to go through their spoils.
Lots of customers bought multiple bags.
Almost $1000 of merchandise in each bag.
We heard results between $600 - $1000/bag.
Pretty great for a $50 investment!

Yes, this day was one for the record books.
EVERYONE enjoyed the sale....
including us!  
We loved seeing everyone's excitement and
enthusiasm over their bargains.

While the next bag sale won't be as big as this one 
since you won't be able to shop store wide,
the bargains are the same:
$50 investment for a bag full of merchandise.


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