Saturday, January 17, 2015


Are you doing the photo a day challenge?
Lots of people are joining in on the fun and ordering the kits.
Cat is getting the folder album ready for 
your January photos.
I LOVE the cover and can't wait to see the inside of this one!
If you aren't doing this, you may want to join in.
If you decide to join the fun and want the 
folder album kits, be sure you contact Cat
and sign up so she can make enough kits.
These are the prompts for the current week.
There is even an app for your phone:
"little moments" by fatmumslim.
That will give you the list 
of prompts
on your phone!

You can join in at any time and always
go back and catch up with photos.
 The whole point of this project is to have
So grab your camera and start
snapping photos each day.
Call the store and reserve your kit
and you will be on your way to 
a priceless project at the end of the year.

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